My Workstation

Processed with VSCOcam with m3 presetWe live in a 900 square foot apartment… Might actually be more like 850 sqf because our neighbor friends upstairs, they had an extra sunroom in their apartment and our old landlord said their apartment was also 900 sqf, so who knows. All I know is that i love our home 6.5 days out of the week. It will always hold such special meaning to our life. It is our first place! It is where we moved in together, where we call home as a team, as a married couple, as partners for life. Where we brought in our second dog Maka, who is the best! And dammit if it’s 1920’s corkiness just isn’t so darn cute!

But! Let’s talk the realz for a second (FYI wordpress did NOT like me using a Z in reals, had to fight autocorrect for that one) Chris thankfully and so awesomely finished his master degree back in May, which means that the work-study-at-home thing for him has dropped drastically. Not all the way, he is still doing work (i.e. volunteer) for one of his professors so he still brings home his big architecture type papers and uses my our beautiful table to red line. But, for the most part it is just me now working from home.

But, let’s back up about a year and a half when we moved into this place. It is a spacious one bedroom apartment. And with the furniture we have, there wasn’t much room for fitting a small desk in the living room, or dinning room, for sure not the kitchen, so that left one more room…. The bedroom. My worst nightmare. I hate clutter. I believe passionately about “turning off”. And well, having your workstation(s) in the bedroom just sounded like the worst. But, what can you do? You are given what you are given. I told Chris, “we need to keep this clean, uncluttered, and organized, above all else! This is not YOUR workstation, it is OURS. So it has to WORK for us both.” and we both agreed. We both have very different jobs that required nearly polar opposite from a station, so i knew that was going to hell in a hand basket. And, what do you know? It took maybe a month, possibly two? for it to look like a clutter bomb went off. If he wasn’t working there his clothes, supplies, receipts were just stacked up so much I literally couldn’t see the desk, much less work at it. And every Sunday night he would clean it off for me, and it would have the possibility of magic again… Then real life would hit for both of us, and so it goes.

Which comes to my work station. I quickly abandoned the idea of being able to work there on a daily basis, so i tried other ways to find space in our place. I used an old book shelf that I could fold up the bottom shelves and use as a small computer desk. Not so much. Too narrow, couldn’t hold any of my edits, reference books, or notebook. So, of course, I used our dinning room table most of the time. (Back then it was an old door on top of saw horses. Class, and professionalism.) Which I hated, but, what can you do? At the time I was working more on my photography, and cooking. The light was great there in the late afternoon. I could write/edit in the morning, cook and figure out recipes in the afternoon, and all that jazz. It worked!

A little bit about me. I like to find a space. Usually it’s a certain space on the floor. Or a chair in the corner. When I was younger in my parents kitchen there was a vent in the corner, under the cabinet. This was in Michigan mind you. Winters are so cold. Our addition there was a cement slab, not much insulation like you would have if that part of the house was over the basement. And there was always someone in the kitchen. In order to keep my feet warm I would sit on the floor, usually have a dog on my lap, while my mom cooked, my brothers raided the cabinets, and i would be out of the way, but in the middle of everything. It was like my perch. And from then on I think i’ve always looked for a perch. In this apartment, at the behest of my husband, I have found my perch. He hates it. I love it.

If you have ever been to my house, and I have wanted to show you something on my computer, chances are I will be sitting on my counter, my feet trying to not make the lid of the trash can wonky (that’s why chris hates my perch. My solution? Let’s get different trash can. I’m working on it, and he’s accepting it).  I love this spot. I feel small. I have a foot rest. The bar of the counter is the perfect height. And I’m super close to my pot of coffee in the morning. I don’t usually “work” from here. Usually I check emails, read blogs, and sometimes go through a few of my client’s pages if I have time.
This is where you will find me in the morning. Coffee, sometimes cereal, on my perch. Looking outside at the trees, and starting my day reading about other peoples day. It is a fine perch. Took me a while to find it and call it mine. But now I guess we both have our workstations now. And now, our home feels just the right size.


Until I have to print off and reformat a whole book’s footnotes…. But that’s not on the agenda today.

What do you do in your space? Do you have stations you share? Or do you need a whole room to call your own? What about a perch? Is there a place in your space you just seem to gravitated to? Even if sometimes your back hurts because you’ve been their too long?

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Currently .02

IMG_2163enjoying salads and pizza! We have it at least twice a week.

thanking my co-workers, they really are the best!

finishing a big book for one of my clients. This week!

re-watching Arrested Development! Always and forever.

laughing at the hubs. Or, I should say, with him. Over Sushi he was totally dogging on me and my forgetfulness, and was just so simply funny.  You know when you just look at someone, and you both just burst out laughing? Yup, that’s been happening a lot over here.

reading Divergent. Apparently I’m just late to all the popular books. But, when i saw the movie I 1) I just plain and simply wanted more and 2) I felt like I didn’t get the whole picture of the society, her back story, and what all the factions were all about. So, I got the book. Not very far in it yet, but so far its good.

sleeping in too much. Gotta work on that. 🙂

planting Well, more like transplanting.  I had some plants get too big for their pots, but I have ideas to fill those guys, spoiler alert, it will be a lot of drought resistance, no maintenance little guys.

tending to my herbs and flowers outside in the front. All this Texas sun is so brutal on them. My lavender isn’t doing too hot ALL OF A SUDDEN! Before they were gang busters, and now they are just getting so brown and dry! Why!? If someone knows how I can help them out, let me know!

working a lot, and yet not smart. Trying to get that smarter not harder thing going.

exercising with the Spartacus DVD’s, and getting myself back on a work out schedule. It feels good, and sore, very sore. I will say, it looks corny, it is a bit, but I always feel good afterwards, and that I feel like I worked out.

adoring my dogs. of course.

writing blog posts, and comments on my clients book. Hope i don’t come off as a “mean” editor 🙂

planning to help out my future sister-in-law with their upcoming wedding. Cannot wait for October!

feeling a little blah, frazzle-y, and not balanced. I feel like we (our household) needs to get back on a schedule! Food wise, exercise wise, and just basic balance of work vs quality personal time with each other and friends. We are gonna get there! I’ll try and post something about the tips that helped us, if/when we get there.

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Life in Instagram .10

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1. One night we made dinner. It was just too pretty not to take a picture. Happily this happens a lot.
2. Whenever I make dinner I usually set up my computer to watch tv. Hulu has made my universe by uploading Sailor Moon. Now i have the theme song in my head always. So therefore I am always happy!
3. Maka after the river this past weekend. I tried to take a picture of Yoshi, but she was so tired that she just snuggled in the back and was out like a light.
4. Even though Chris was totally into the NHL game, Yoshi just needed her pops snuggles. Awwww it was so cute!
5. A couple of weekends ago we went up to visit the in-laws to help them put up a fence… Did you know that Texans have strong opinions about how the “fence” because it can become a verb, the things you learn. Anyway, Chris taught me how to drive a tractor! Love being married to a Texan, even if I don’t know all of their verbs yet.
6. That same weekend, because I have the most amazing volunteers, who work at amazing places, we scored free tickets to the game 2 NBA finals game! The Spurs lost, but it was still such an amazing game, and we had the best time!
7. Group picture of us watching game 3! So much fun with those guys.
8. This week we had friends who were out of town, and they needed a “pool sitter”. I didn’t mind at all!
9. Also from the “fencing” weekend, Chris’s grandmothers husband came down to Texas to, buy a horse… Because, like, picking up a horse, then visiting family, whilst keeping that horse in the front yard is normal.
10. Back in May we went to Eureka Spring Arkansas to be apart of two amazing people get married in the most beautiful place i’ve been to! Anywho, Chris wanted to geek out with some architectural museum stops. I was totally willing to come by for the ride. That is the outside of the Kimbell in Dallas. Such an amazing space!
11. At Crystal Bridges. Some of their exhibits where fascinating. And others were mind boggling! Like this guy, he did a huge self portrait, using some of his own hair and pieces of his skin, oh and it was like 10 times the ratio of a normal person.
12. Outside of Thrown Crown Chapel. We had to take our “prom” picture. Such a beautiful place, with such loving people.
13. Date night with this stud muffin. I almost beat him at our mini golf spot. The Cool Crest Miniature Golf is so fun!
14. Our Sunday coffee spot at Rosella. Fun weekly tradition. Also, delicious! If you’re in San Antonio go there! And here.
15. Two weeks ago we were jones for some Star Wars. Return of the Jedi was on right after dinner! And, it was awesome. Needed to be done.
16. And, the cutest couple. They did their vows with an added pinky swear. Melted my heart.
Well, that sums it up! If you want to follow me on Instagram my handle is @bridgiskor to see it in “real time”. Far warning, there is a lot of pictures of my dogs. #sorrynotsorry
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Our Weekend: River edition

IMG_2180So, to just jump in, this weekend was awesome! For what feels like forever we found our selves with the weekend with no plans, obligations to go or do anything, and with me not having to work!!!! Friday after work we found ourselves at our friends family pool, our great friend Iris joined us, and low and behold we found out that she too did not have plans, and also did not have work either! Kismet! The three of us had been talking about going to the river (if you’re not from the SA area, the river is like, what you do. You go to the Guadalupe, bring something that floats, tube, kayak, raft, whatever. Bring some river snacks. And, something yummy to drink. Oh, and sunscreen, so much sunscreen). Iris, being a native San Antonian, had never been kayaking on the Guadalupe! Needed to be rectified! IMG_2178Saturday, we packed up the dogs, our food, our beer and off we went! Chris and I and the pups were in a canoe, and she was in her own kayak. we had so much fun! Sadly, i didn’t bring my phone on the river (helllloooooo clumsy hands!) so we only got before and after pics! IMG_2176The recap? Tons of fun. one lost flip-flop. one lost pair of sunglasses (every time that happens!) all of us got some kind of foot scrape (i got mine trying to find iris shoe through the rocks and rapids, spoiler, we didn’t. She cut the bottom of her foot, because, well, she didn’t have a shoe anymore. And Chris got hurt because Maka got excited at the secret waterfall, and he slipped.) two wet river stained big sun hats. one six pack drank. three turkey sandwiches consumed. and millions of laughs. and one over turned kayak. and about two dozen collisions, both on purpose, and because I was in control of steering. IMG_2192With all of that recap. we went back again on Sunday! Because we could! And isn’t that reason enough? So now, this Monday finds myself in doors, nursing my sore shoulders, and thanking the sunscreen gods for not turning me into a lobster!
p.s. It was Maka’s first time at the river, and in a canoe, and she was a total rockstar! In some cases better than Yoshi! Mainly because at first she was too scared to jump out of the boat. But, at our friends pool she was too scared to jump in and swim, but in the river, after she saw us go in so many times, and Yoshi (she can’t like, not be near Yoshi) jumping in all.the.time she finally just bit the bullet, and I think she had a great time! We were so relieved, because, like, she couldn’t not be a water dog. She is the perfect river dog! And after doing it two days in a row, the are wiped out! So, this gal is having a productive Monday. #Win
Happy Monday!!!!
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New Feature: #yodgiwalks

IMG_5591 IMG_5635I got an idea through a blog that I read. Elise has a little hashtag #eliselovesmornings that she uses on Instagram. I love the idea of it. And it got me thinking of my own rituals and small joys in life. Those are my walks. Having two decently active dogs in an apartment makes me have to go on a lot of walks throughout the day. I love them. Sometimes it’s a bit of a pain, but I never regret it once i’m out there.
Life lately has me sitting a lot. I was just talking this over with some girl friends lately. Between my admin job at SNIPSA and my freelance, most of my day is spent at a desk/couch in front of a computer. Those walks help get me moving, getting some vitamin D, and they keep me upbeat and inspired, especially in the spring time.
So I thought I would do my own little hashtag #yodgiwalks. Not surprisingly I finally thought of my own hashtag on my walk. So if you are on a walk, enjoying the breeze, take a picture, of whatever, and tag me! You can follow me @bridgiskor. I decided I will start the hashtag on May 1st and do a round up at the end of the month. Not sure if I’ll post EVERY day, but I usually take some picture on one of the many walks I take throughout the day, so by the end of the month I should have a decent bunch.  I am so excited!!  I love that about blogs, how they can inspire and get your mind working and to get to doing.
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Isn’t it so frustrating when you read a blog that has been on an unscheduled hiatus, and the writer keeps saying “I’m here!” “I’ve got some great stuff to share” “Sorry, I’m still here, promise!”
Yeah, me too. And then, I realized that I was becoming that person. So, in an effort to make this blog what it is, a place to share what is happening in my life right now, here are the bullet notes of why I haven’t been writing, but why I have also been wanting to.
Side note: I ‘m doing this sitting on my kitchen counter (my husband hates that) while eating my breakfast before I dash off to work, and try not to be too late.
  • I am on my way to finishing my first full book edit… Now, I get that sounds a little confusing, let me explain. I do freelance editing, this is not my first edit for MY book. But, it will be the first full length, and biggest project I have been apart of to-date. So, exciting. The loose deadline is the beginning of May, and I still have a LOT of tweaking and checking etc to do. YIKES! Also, time suck away from the blog.
  • Some one else is also having a pretty huge deadline. The hubs. he is finishing up his last two-ish weeks of grad school! Hip hip hurrah! And, in an effort to not make is sound like my whole world revolves around him, let’s just say that the support, making sure he is fed, has a space to work that is not cluttered with book papers, dog hair, or laundry kinda takes a while. Though I like to pride myself on my cleanliness, I am the first to admit that if there isn’t an exact place for everything, then the “everything” is usually just “everywhere” if you catch my drift.
  • That kinda leads to the idea of being the main squeeze for the house and home… like, running. Wish it would do it all itself. Trying to teach these four walls to get their act together, no dice right now.
  • Oh yeah, and my OTHER job. lol. My “part-time” job at the animal rescue. Though things aren’t as hectic as when we are working on our 5K fundraiser, or our one day spay/neuter clinics, or our massive holiday adoptions. Right now thankfully it is just, steady. But that still means some weekend work, and putting in some hours in the office every week. Nothing major, but enough that i am still having a hard time switching from one role to the other fluidly.
  • I would like to get back into working out. Fat chance, but just like my Liz Lemon, I feel like I can “have it all”.
Well, I’ll leave it at that, and basically just say, I will try and post as much as I can in these next two weeks, I have about a half dozen half composed thoughts in my draft folder, emails, and scribbles on napkins… Oy vey. maybe I should just invest in one of those cute moleskin folders I see the pretentious English majors use. I want to yell at them, you’re not far from me! Putting as one of your lame reasons you can’t right is that you need to CLEAN THE BATHROOM!
Life. It’s pretty great now. (Take out sarcasm)
P.S. Sorry about the weird fonts. don’t have the time to mess with it right now. Annnnnndddddd I am officially late. 🙂
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Currently .01

IMG_5471enjoying The beautiful weather! It’s finally Texas Spring, my favorite.

thanking the sunshine, I feel so productive when it’s nice outside

finishing nothing yet. but coming so close!

re-watching Parks and Rec… Again. So addicted to that show

laughing at everything Jimmy Fallon. Can’t even count how many times I’ve watching this

reading Gone Girl. as every other person in the world, addicted.

sleeping so well! Especially after a spur of the moment rearranging I did this weekend. Post to come!

planting Nothing. but I’m thinking about what I’m going to plant this season, and to finally finish the deck!

tending to an overworked husband lol

working on balance, and enjoying some down-time

sewing nothing, but really missing my sewing machine lately.

adoring our new chairs! I’ve been looking for these puppies for nearly two years!

writing more blog posts! Getting back into it!

planning trips to all the weddings we have on our plate this year… Also, planning something for Chris for his birthday

feeling happy, energized, and ready to take IT on!

Adapted from one of my favorite blogs. Enjoy It

What have you been feeling/thinking/enjoying lately? I know for many they are still under all the cold and snow, I feel ya. twenty years in Detroit makes me soooo appreciate Texas in February and March!

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Thoughts on working out (but really it’s a brain dump about balance)


I know I said that “I was back” and then I didn’t write for…. let’s just say weeks. Not that I haven’t been thinking about it…
What I have been really thinking about is working-out. I have been in a bit of a workout funk schedule. I just have not been able to figure out how to fit it all in. So i guess it’s not so much a workout funk as a balance funk. It has been all consuming, and if i want to get pretty dramatic about it, kind of crippling.

Do you ever get so bombarded by the thoughts of everything you have to do that you end up just not doing them? Or, at the very least not doing them to the best that you know you should? Basically just half-assing everything, instead of cutting some stuff out and doing the fewer things really good. I think that i am close to that, there are some loose ends i’m trying to tighten up, but man, sometimes i just have to wonder where i’m falling short. there is only so much that you can do before something slips through the cracks.
I went home for a brief stint back in February and my mom and I found ourselves in a long conversation about just that. Here I was, getting ready to take a shower, and one line happens and poof, 45 mins go by and we are talking about the nuance of life and time… We mainly were speaking in the sense of motherhood (not pregnant) and how one “fits it all in”. The conclusion being, you can’t fit it all in. Sex and the City was wrong. I cannot have it all. But all is so subjective. I don’t want all of it, i want the quality of the things I love. And finding that, and sifting through everything else, well, that’s a balance in and of its own, right?

Some things I love: (because lists are fun)
My husband – like, duh.
Family – see above
My closest circle of friends – because let’s be honest, I can really only stand to be around a few people.
My dogs – because they are pretty much right up with Chris (the husband)
My car – Yes, I love my car. Everyday I literally thank god for having given me the resources to have the car that I want, and to continue to pay for it without having a heart attack every month. That may sound shallow, but I am calling it like it is.
My job(s) – sometimes i get very annoyed them with, but they are both fulfilling and challenging in very different ways. I appreciate their diversity, and what they help accomplish for myself, and for the people around me. I hope that what i do, in a small way, makes a positive impact on the people i encounter/work with on a daily basis. BUT! Do not let that fool you into thinking everyday I want to go do that work… I say this usually because I am feeling discouraged and i have to remind myself of why i do what I do, not because of the everyday mundane or frustrating things that happen, but because of what those acts do in the end that is the gold…. most of the time 😉
My home/apartment – I love and am so grateful that i have a space to call my own. And when I walk into my home, i feel at home, and stress free. This space is like my recharge dock. It keeps me sane.
Travel –  well, I sort of feel like this is self explanatory.
Time off – not the same as travel, because time off in your own space is almost just as sweet as jetting or road tripping to someplace else.
Working out – this is one of the few things that when I am doing it, and finished with it, I just feel so good about myself. So strong, brave, and accomplished. It’s just wow. And, that’s basically with any workout, I love trying it all, and that there is always something out there to stretch out of your comfort zone and learn something about yourself, and your determination.

And that’s all off the top of my head. So, i guess my thought is, that that’s kinda a lot. and to balance all the stuff I love, on top of the things i do that may not be something I love, but still has to get done. Well shit. It can get to ya.
Right now I’m balancing a part-time job that is more work than any full-time job i’ve had, taking care of two dogs (one of which I am trying to break from eating shoes/our recycling while we are gone, thoughts, advice?!) while living in an apartment, taking care of everything “home” (cooking, cleaning, laundry, rent, making it feel like a home etc), helping and supporting a husband in grad school, still doing work for my freelance clients, making sure my relationship is strong in my marriage, making sure my relationship is strong in my religion, and then, on top of it finding time to workout?
Yeah, I bet you can figure out the top three things that go to the wayside? or at least go in the half-assed category.
I feel like this is a disheartening post, and i don’t mean it to be. But, it is a brain dump of the last month or so. And, i think talking about balance, working out, and setting priorities is helpful, and ultimately I hope that it will get me where I need to go. And that place is a nice, relaxing (because I’m not superwoman, i don’t even like doing it all) and fulfilled life.

So, let this also be a place you can brain dump, in a positive and constructive way. And, I’ll be back to regularly schedule happiness next time. But, you know, sometimes you just gotta let is all out. And I can honestly say, I’m already feeling better, and a little more grateful to that pile of laundry i’m totally going to tackle right now *as i eat yet another peanut M&M*

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I’m Back

Happy 2014!

I know I have been extremely absent over here on the blog. There is a lot to catch up on in the last 6 months that i will do my best to chronicle. the bullet points, in no particular order is as follows.

  • I’m married… Duh. Most have heard my rantings about such things as I got engaged last December, but in August it finally happened, and I can say, all the ups and downs of planning a wedding, and making everyone happy, while still you know, working on your relationship, well it was all worth it. I can honestly say that I remember that day so vividly. there was no stress. It both went by too fast and also at the right speed. a more lengthy post about that, and our honeymoon road trip will be needed, as it is something I would love to have in a safe place (because the internet is soooooo safe) for a long time.
  • I started another job…. I now have a job working at an animal rescue part time… Well, let’s say it is the most full time par time job that I have had. But, I do their book keeping and work their adoption events. It is so nice being apart of something to much bigger than myself, and knowing that I am apart of a great group of people to promote change in our community. I am beyond grateful.
  • Yes, I am still doing the freelance thing too…. I haven’t slowed down in that. I still have great clients, big and small, that I am working on. I think if I were to choose a word for 2014 it would be BALANCE. That too deserves it’s own post.
  • We got another dog…. She is amazing, hilarious, and Yoshi’s best bed, and our new little gal. She is a Pharaoh hound German Shepard mix and her name is Maka, which is Lakota Indian for Earth Goddess… Basically I think that each bullet will soon become at LEAST one post, so more details to come.
  • My oldest brother Paul moved to Stuttgart, Germany, with his wife (he just got married in June of 2013, nearly two months nearly to the day before my wedding) for up to three years. And yes, we are already planning our trip there at the end of 2014.
  • I am officially part of the “Subaru” family. I finally bit the bullet and got a new car! Yay! Perfect for our two active dogs, and our active lifestyle.

Now, I have been thinking for a long time if I wanted to get back into blogging, and I figured that since it has been on my mind for so long that it must mean that it was something that I truly missed, and it had helped me so much get through that weird phase of working at home/finding new passions/dealing and facing stress/really being mindful of my own introspective thoughts and ideas. So, hello again blog world, an old friend has come back. Let’s get closer this new year, shall we?


How is your 2014 going? Do you do resolutions, or are you more of a “word” kind of person? I really don’t know what I am yet, but every year, and every day I always strive to get closer to that… I guess part of me is a Goal person, what do I want to look back on this year and say that I crossed that off the list? Either by an attainable goal, or saying that I changed the way I look at XY&Z, that i don’t know yet, but I don’t think that if you don’t know your goal/resolution/word by Jan 1st, it’s never to late to start.


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Surprise Timing

This is shocking! I am posting this, and it’s still the AM. Also, another shock today, when I’m done with this, I fully intend to workout, also, while it is still “morning”. I mean, it’s a little past 11am, but hey, that is still the morning! Emiright?
some more shocking things. i am feeling very motivated to not procrastinate. sadly, that is not always the case. i do really well when i have a deadline, but not in the sense that i put it off until 10pm the night before. but, i do have a small deadline to give a potential new client an estimate for his manuscript he wants me to edit, so there is that. and, i don’t know if you know this, well, this could very well be a “me” thing. but, when i read something, especially if it is something i need to get a feel for, i have to read it at least three times, but all of them with a different cap on. so, i’ll start reading his pages after, or maybe even before, my shower, after my workout when i am relaxed. and i’ll read that with no pen, and i won’t even sit at my desk. i’ll get comfortable, have a nice drink with me, and read it just to read it. kind of how someone that would pick this book up and read it would, for enjoyment. then i will walk away. i’ll take my shower, put my makeup on, etc. maybe even work on my brothers screenplay before going back to it. probably eat lunch, and either think about it, or pick it up again and read it. this time with a pen. so that every time i read it i am delving deeper and deeper. you need to start at the most outside part of the piece (when you aren’t the one that has written it) to be able to get the whole picture, all the layers, see it from as many different eyes as possible. that is my job. that is what i love to do. so, i suppose, is it so surprising that i can’t wait to start that process? that is my favorite part, the part where i feel like a detective, need ing to uncover and see it in its barest, purest, best form i can help make.
welp, didn’t mean for that to get on a rant of an “editors” process, but, that is also something i’m learning about writing/blogging. sometimes i sit down with a topic in mind and i write it. most of the time it is just getting me to the page, to the writing box, sitting down with some coffee, and just, start.
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